Each January for the past several years, the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies has been cosponsoring an event in recognition of MLK Day Celebration and will do so again in 2024. The motivation for this endeavor is in keeping with our Mission of promoting Christian literacy in ways that with involve the general public in order to further our Vision of seeking to promote the study of early Christianity as one of the major foundations of Western Culture.
We invite you to join us for a free January 22, 2023 7:00 ET zoom lecture by Dr. Vincent L. Wimbush. He is founding director of The Institute for Signifying Scriptures (ISS) (www.signifyingscriptures.org), an international scholarly organization, and is conceptualizer and director of several collaborative trans-disciplinary research projects, including a documentary film (Finding God in the City of Angels) on the ethnography of scriptures. Recipient of numerous awards and research grants, he is past president of the Society of Biblical Literature.
The title of the lecture is “And the Flesh is Made Word.” This lecture aims to provoke thinking less about Black-fleshed peoples’ readings of or even in the Bible (or any other center-ing “text”) and more about what patho-logics and -dynamics obtain in the making of and ongoing “play” with the more comparative and analytically capacious phenomenon “scriptures.” The latter term is to be considered shorthand not for texts, but for the workings of discourse and power (scripturalizing, scripturalectics, scripturalization). The main thesis–Black-fleshed peoples have been made “scriptures” (con-scripted), especially for the modern West. What this thesis implies for the shape of un-disciplinary critical analysis and for our patho-logics and psycho-politics will be offered as provocation and challenge.
Register for the event here: http://tinyurl.com/bp83nyj4

I am interested in the history and art of the Armenian people. Thank you.
Ms. Rosso, We hope you were able to register and will join us Thursday, this week, May 12, at 3 PM Eastern Daylight Savings time in the US (which we believe is 9 PM in Italy). Let me know if you have difficulty registering.
At the present time we do not have plans to offer another event on Armenian Art, at least as it relates to our organization’s main interest in promoting the study of early Christianity.
Thank you for your interest in our event.
Jim Lepkowski, President, Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies Board of Directors
If I could, I would follow the event at 9 pm. Thank You